Loving Every Stride Podcast

Welcome to Loving Every Stride

September 14, 2021 Paul Laslett and Marie Droniou-Bordry Season 1 Episode 1
Welcome to Loving Every Stride
Loving Every Stride Podcast
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Loving Every Stride Podcast
Welcome to Loving Every Stride
Sep 14, 2021 Season 1 Episode 1
Paul Laslett and Marie Droniou-Bordry

In the very first episode of the Loving Every Stride podcast, host Paul Laslett welcomes you to the show.

Loving Every Stride is for people who want to make running feel easier, and who want to run faster and stay injury free. You'll be supported by a passionate community who know how to turn it from a chore into an absolute joy!

It's about giving you the simple strategies and structures to maximise what you can do. We'll have guests including Olympians, trainers and many more. 

Paul and Marie's energy and passion for running is infectious, so tune and and get ready to be inspired! 


Paul Laslett can be found here:

Facebook Group


Marie Droniou-Bordry can be found here:



Download your running pace calculator here:

Show Notes Transcript

In the very first episode of the Loving Every Stride podcast, host Paul Laslett welcomes you to the show.

Loving Every Stride is for people who want to make running feel easier, and who want to run faster and stay injury free. You'll be supported by a passionate community who know how to turn it from a chore into an absolute joy!

It's about giving you the simple strategies and structures to maximise what you can do. We'll have guests including Olympians, trainers and many more. 

Paul and Marie's energy and passion for running is infectious, so tune and and get ready to be inspired! 


Paul Laslett can be found here:

Facebook Group


Marie Droniou-Bordry can be found here:



Download your running pace calculator here:

Paul Laslett 0:02
Welcome to Loving Every Stride, the podcast that will help make your running easier, brought to you by ex national athlete and UK record holder Paul Laslett powered by the Brightside PT community. For more information and access to your very own running faster formula, which will make your running easier. Click on the link in the show notes, enjoy the show and see you on the bright side.

Paul Laslett 0:35
Thank you so much for joining me on my first podcast loving every stripe, it means a lot for me to have you here. Because it means that you want to learn about your running and you want to have some fun in the process. So what is this show gonna be about? Well, it's gonna be about how can you make your running easier. I've been helping runners for the last 15 or 20 years now. And what I found is that people feel like they should go out and run or they start running. And then it gets really hard all the time. And running feels like it's a chore something that should be an absolute joy becomes a chore. And what I want to do is help you enjoy your running, enjoy every stride, there's nice little plug for you enjoy every little strike that you take when you run because it should be a celebration of what you do. I want to help you change your mindset around what running should be on what it should stand for for you as well. For myself, I used to be a full time athlete many, many, many moons ago when I had a lot more sleep and a lot more hair. And I want to share and impart some of my stories, some of the knowledge that I've gained and inspire you guys to really, really maximize your own potential. I believe that everybody can enjoy their running and run faster if they follow the right thing. So who is this podcast for? Well, it's for anyone who loves or wants to love running, but doesn't quite love it just yet. Maybe you just completed the couch to 5k program and you're kind of go well, I don't know what to do next, or you keep getting injured, or you just want to know, well, I'm going to be out running, I want to maximize my time, I want to make sure that I'm doing things in the most efficient way. And I don't want to get bored. I don't want to go and do the same runs all the time. Because the thought of that eventually drains me. I want this to inspire you to run, I want you to be listening to this and thinking I'm going to get out I'm going to run I'm going to love my running because you know exactly what you should be doing and how you should be doing it. So who are we going to have WIC I've got some amazing guests that are going to be coming on to the podcast, we've got one of my best friends who's a double Olympian over 10k and over a marathon. He's going to be joining us, we have Susan Shaw, who's going to be joining us. And we've got a load of content around maybe why your training isn't working for you. How can you run injury free? How can you fly when you run instead of shuffling along? And how can this amazing sport that we have the privilege of doing from our own doorstep? How can that help us build community and friendship? So if that sounds like the kind of thing you want to get involved in, if you want to come along with me for the ride, I would love to have you listening to our podcast. Thanks for tuning in. And I am excited for what we're going to be able to do in the future together. Thank you for listening to loving every stride. If like us you absolutely love running. We'd love to have you in our community and help make your running faster. You can join our Facebook group and get your very own running faster formula by visiting the link in the show notes and there will be happy days ahead. Please also remember to subscribe and review so we can spread our love for running. Thank you for listening and we will see you on the bright side.